Everyone's Scared & Running Away.
Tourism is under any normal circumstances a
thriving and lucrative cash cow that never fails- well almost never.. Due to the recent spate of attacks on the
country be Al Shabab terrorists who have actively shot at, massacred, bombed
and lobbed grenades at office buildings, apartment blocks, and even some
churches, throwing in the WestGate mall last September just to create a heightened
sense of fear and terror.
With all this insecurity it is no wonder
why the tourism industry has hit a slump, that hotels are shutting down due to
lack of guests and the UK, US, France and Australia have issued travel advisories
to their nationals holidaying or working in the country- and I don’t blame
Any leader- any good leader first priority is to protect the lives of their
citizens against any threat that means even the vaguest hint of a threat. The
leaders from the above countries have legitimate cause for great concern after
all no leader worth his/her salt should knowingly put the lives of their
citizens in clear and present danger. No money or vacation is worth a life.
What’s more, we-the locals are scared, to
tell the truth, every time the average Kenyan leaves their home we do so in
fear of what will happen outside our doors. We are now afraid to congregate at
church or even in schools; most of us dare not linger at the local mall more
than we need to. We go out because we have to, to work and build the nation.
Kenyans are now hyper vigilant, on the lookout for anything out of the
ordinary. On top of the looming terrorist threat there are millions of out of
work or jobless youth, a large number of who resort to petty or serious crime
due to their desperation.
In a number of recent speeches both the
president and governors have made light of the lack of international revenue
and the seeming mass exodus of tourists. Stating to anyone who will hear that
local tourism is quite enough to sustain the country. It would be wondrous if that were so, but it
is not, that is just a reverie, wishful thinking at its best. Mainly because
the locals are way too frightened to tour the country with their most prized commodities
in toe- their lives, and the lives of their families, if it is not fear that
keeps Kenyans away from touring their land it is that life has become too
expensive and they have to tighten their belts, turning their attention instead
to putting food on the table, paying rent on their houses and educating their
children. Leaving little or no money to tour and take in the sights.
In his June 1st Madaraka Day
speech the president did what all his predecessors did so well; made promises
then delivered very little, and in this respect President Kenyatta did not disappoint,
he talked tough on security promising CCTV cameras wherever thieves can be found.
For that one as for the free women’s health care, we have to wait and see. But on
both counts this blogger maintains the highest level of scepticism.
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