The Other Side of the Shirt.
RVP, where should I begin, he has been one of the most talked at Trended topics on and off since he made the announcement that broke many a red gunned heart around the world (whether they admit to it or not) and spurned more vitriol and anger since well to be honest I can’t really remember when a transfer of a single player caused this big an uproar. That he would be leaving the Gunners with whom he had stayed for 8 years in search of greener more trophy filled pastures- that in itself must have been a blow but then after what seemed to be an interminable period of teetering between stay and go and perhaps more importantly for the Dutch marksman- go where? With rumour and loud chatter rife and with both Manchester City and Juventus tossing their hats and mega millions into the ring for the services for the at that point Euro2012 horribly misfiring Arsenal forward- he probably had a lot on his 29 year olds mind as at the time- Van Persie had not made up his mind. At this junctu...