
Showing posts from January 27, 2013

The Idiots guide to how NOT to run a Political Nomination.

The political nomination process should be quite straight forward; party members gather to elect the members they want to be on the ballot come election day, and in any country other than Kenya this would be true. If one is not nominated by its parties they gracefully bow out and congratulate the lucky winner for beating them fair and square and normally that is exactly what happens.   On this side of the world things just get complicated. From allegations of rigging, to inability to provide university certificates and even angry late night storming of IEBC offices in protest and near violent protests by angered voters. Even though the chaotic nominations took place a week or so ago they fall out or resulting comic and confusing errors are still hitting headlines and being talked or laughed about. P erhaps the strangest parts of these seemingly normal proceedings was the furore that Rachel Shebesh and Mary Wambui caused a stir- to put it lightly- on Wednesday evening a...