I Declare this Officially..Open season
In the past week the sly monster that is corruption reared its ever growing head and body to feast on the nations hard earned money and as we know no group (of people) is safe from this shape shifting, faceless thing. For the last two weeks it has proved itself as having no conscience when it stole from those who build Kenya and who dutifully pay their insurance only to have it taken out from under them by institutions that are supposed to provide them health insurance. What is now widely known as the NHIF scam began in earnest on Labour Day when the always frank defender of all workers COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli lambasted NHIF for increasing the rates of their insurance premium by 13.1% calling civil servants to mass action come the 14 th of May, thankfully for NHIF the Vice President and guest of honour at the speech called for dialogue. Barely were the public pondering and digesting the events of Labour Day when the proverbial other shoe dropped and corr...