
Showing posts from August 1, 2010

No love lost...

We have survived the quagmire and made it back into the light, sane and undaunted by the surrounding clamour. We have read between the lines and un waxed our ears for a better deduction of the cold, hard facts. I for one am gladder than most that tomorrow, I will get a chance to have my feelings and thoughts heard and that those in postitions of power will be forced to live with my decision whether they like it or not. In short I feel quite powerful. It is because of this power that I will sacrifice the un yielding, warmth and comfort of my quilt covered bed, get dressed and march straight to the voting centre, single minded and prepared to affect change. If you're not Kenyan or are thoroughly confused and haven't caught on to what I'm going on about, tomorrow we Kenyans prepare for a new dawn with a fare amount of trepidation over the after effects... we will go to the polls and vote either to enact a new constitution or not. But as tomorrow is still too far away (especi...