Use Your Bodyguards.
That was the piece of sage advice that Gitobu Imanyara imparted upon a house packed full of his fellow ministers, advice he obviously did not follow when his own life was endangered by a group of goons who; showing their own allegiance to Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta extracted the hapless Imanyara from his car and forced him to kneel on the tarmac-here’s where it got interesting- as Imanyara stated to a rapt citizen audience (parliament proceedings are televised) that “the men came out of a ‘stalled’ car and asked me if I was Imanyara. On answering in the affirmative they told me to come out and kneel while facing Mt. Kenya ( where the Kikuyu believed that Ngai- their god resides and faced in prayer) and repeat the words; Uhuru tuko pamoja (Uhuru we are together) three times.” One can’t help but query, where were the Muheshimiwa’s (honourable’s) own bodyguards? That advice seemed warranted especially given that only days before Imanyara’s brush with death Prime Minister Ra...