
Showing posts from November 4, 2012

Disaster Averted.. Maybe Not.

On Thursday a would be disaster was swiftly averted. When the Administration Police (AP)-whose job it is to guard government offices- of Eldoret County boycotted their posts in protest their lack of payment. They cite a pay package agreed to in 2010 which if it was adhered to would have paid them in three phases but which as most financial deals was soon to dry up. The murmurs of a strike within the force began when an SMS was passed around amongst the disgruntled man in uniform urging a strike from the 1 st of this month until they were paid, the writer of the text went on to urge his fellow officers to down their tools, ‘No guards, no arrest, no escort, no investigation...Paralyse what you can.’ The officers wanted a salary increase of at least 20%, and the harmonization of pay within the AP. This may perhaps be the shortest boycott in the countries strike filled history as the slightest whiff of disaster led the normally hard lining and tight fisted MP’s and treasury into a...