On Again Off Again... (The Mad Dash To Marriage)

It is now most definitely ON again! This would have been the fluctuating state of Uhuru and Ruto’s relationship statuses. Over the last two weeks the country sat riveted- or at least I did- has sat impatient and eager to see what shall come of the many rumoured and would be political unions, this excitement and anxiety- for the leaders-was only amplified by the constantly ticking clock and mental countdown to the December 4th deadline before which all knots must be tied.

The publishing of these banes of marriage did not however sit too well with a section of youth and was greeted with suspicion in some counties in the country as those in wasingishu took to the street in angered protest against an otherwise mutually beneficial marriage. Saying that it was entered into without consultation and that it excluded them!

Uhuru and Ruto were not the only ones rumoured to be or headed to the alter as all other aspirants went in search for their missing ribs that would complete and hopefully strengthen their tickets in the marathon toward State House. The Prime Minister too is said to be doing some wooing of his own in the quest for that perfect partner. First he tried his hand at tempting now bitter foe but one time friend: Ruto who eventually went the way of the dove and paired up with the son of Jomo Kenyatta. (The two made their union official on Sunday) Now the PM is back at it again and this time he is making eyes and whispering promises to the Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka.

And much like Uhuru and Ruto –at first- the Vice President has denied that he and by extension his Wiper Democratic Party have made any alliance/partnership or marriage of any kind with the Prime Minister and his ODM.

It seems now that everyone wants Kalonzo. Not only is the PM out to pull the VP but Mudavadi and G7 want Msyoka back. This will be a true test and indeed a hard choice for a man famous for not making big and decisive political moves. All said and done the VP remains rigid in his single minded pursuit of State House in next year’s general elections.

These however are not the only partnerships gaining the countries attention. There is too the trio of Eugene Wamalwa of New Ford Kenya , Kipruto Arap Kirwa, of UDM and the political veteran and ‘Total Man’Nicholas Biwott of Vision Party of Kenya to form a union all their own into which they intend to invite other likeminded individuals.

The integrity question has returned to cast a shadow of its own over the Marriage between Uhuru and Ruto.

Whatever deals whether just in the offing, at the inception and planning stage, just in the oven, half baked or just not quite ready yet those involved better have the heat turned up on them as time is quickly fading. For those single and ready for the dash down the carpeted isle toward the grand alter they better ready a pair of running shoes or risk completely missing out on the deadline that’s only two days away!

                                       The Mad rush to beat the clock is well and truly on!

As time officially runs out this morning it seems that the stronger sex were correct when they said that when wooing a woman only persistence and patience are needed to turn any protests and stern NO's into gleeful Yeses and this was proved positive when Kalonzo Msyoka- yes he of the vehement refusal cracked a smile and said yes to his prusuer Raila Odinga. The deal will be signed today; the two leaders have entered into the deal with The New Ford Kenya. 
One question Kalonzo why did you protest so much? Shakespeare penned as part of his play Hamlet the words: That Lady doth protest too much methinks- Lady Gertrude says to her son Hamlet. When a lady protests too much her feelings are usually in direct opposition to her words.
The burden of denial has now fallen to the New Ford Kenya leader who immediately denied his parties involvement in the Kalonzo-Raila Marriage. I'm not the betting type but if I were I'd put smart money on Eugene Wamalwa having a sudden change of heart. 

Well it's a very fortunate thing that I'm not the betting kind at all as I would have lost on Eugene who stuck to his alliance with Biwott and Kirwa. But that doesn't mean there weren't changes of heart and last minute transfer window signings. They came in the form of Charity Ngilu aka Mama Rainbow who sauntered back to previous ally and NARC counterpart Prime Minister Raila Odinga, never mind that she would have to work with Kalonzo Msyoka who she's had a less than warm relationship with over the years. In what they named the Coalition for Reform and Democracy... I guess all weapons can and will be downed for a greater or more personal good.

The country was also waiting for Musalia Mudavadi to finally make up his mind and pick a team- we seem to be doing that a lot. And he did; choosing to go red/yellow with Uhuru-Ruto, Balala and Mwakwere among others, which bears an eerie resemblance to the - 'Project Uhuru'- Kanu of 2002 which was backed by then president Moi.

It seems in politics that there are only a few sure things:

1. There are no enemies in politics just strange and convenient bed fellows- creating a public illusion and image is everything.
2. History will -no matter how far the players seem or want to separate themselves from it- repeat itself in one form or another.

The million shilling question is can politicians reuse a formula and achieve the same exact results or should history be left to its books?



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