The Trouble With Youth
Ones youth is a time like no other that
bridge between child hood and irresponsibility and adulthood. Some may approach
this time with maturity and common sense eager to make a smooth untroubled transition
where as others see this time as one last chance and passport to lose the
compass and life map one last time. This lot were perhaps the motley crew that
took to the streets of an otherwise peaceful peace loving Mombasa City on
Monday to protest the killing of Sheikh Aboud Rogo Mohamed over the weekend.
Having no clues as to who sleighed the well
known Al shabab sympathiser the mostly young mourners took to the streets to
demonstrate their displeasure at the polices’ speed- lack their of- in solving
the killing.
Now there’s absolutely no problem with a
group choosing to protest all that they see as wrong with the world they live
in, in fact this mostly peaceful method of civil mass action has been a common
and effective means to an end for many groups of disgruntled citizens in the
past. The problem occurs when this so called protest escalates into full blown
violence where both police and ordinary citizens lose not only their valuables
but more importantly, their lives. This is what happened on Monday and Tuesday
this week when certain parts of the city became no go zones and Mombasa seemed
to be ‘burning’. Then on Wednesday all seemed to have calmed down and finally
the police seemed to have won the battle to restore order when late that
evening the youth decided to again make their point clear as the tossed yet
another grenade at a church. The high alert and frayed nerves that had begun to
calm saw a resurgence as those that could stayed as far away from the CBD on
What is perhaps most upsetting to me and no
doubt many Kenyans is how some of these ‘mournful’ youths who had perhaps –as the
older generation would say- taken leave of all their senses and saw within the
panic and chaos the opportune moment to loot and rob businesses, homes and passersby
hoping to make for themselves the best or at least some sort of profit from the
misfortune of others.
With most of the errant protesters cum
looters being so young- from 15-20- one has to ask a most obvious question:
where were their parents in all this, have today’s parents lost control/track
of what their idle teens are up to. On the other hand and to be even handed I
must ask whether it really is the parents fault or if it can be calked down to mob
psychology and a strong pier influence/a strong desire to fit into whatever
crowd is popular.
This past week has also brought up the old
questions of security and more to the point the internal security and safety of
all Kenyans. Which it must be said has been paper thin and week at best as
during the past four or five years we have either been bombed and grenade attacked
by the ever persistent and unyielding ever recruiting terrorists of Al Shabab
and from the inside when ordinary citizens have turned on each other for reasons
of tribal differences, one needs just to look at Tana River, Wajir and Mandera
to see what devastation tribalism caused this past week and indeed every time
it rears its familiar head. One doesn’t have to be a genius to see that the President-who
still remains mum- and his government must beef up not only their personal security (the president is in
Mombasa to open the annual Agricultural Show) but that of ordinary Kenyans.
So as we wile away this Friday, in constant
contact with those who had no choice but to venture intrepidly into the City
waiting perhaps for the moment when the other shoe will drop and hoping it
never does we look stone faced and demanding answers and that the government
protects the lives of not only the police that work for them-another area in
which they have failed-but also those whose hard work makes the nation what is:
the wanainchi.
The man all the rioting is for:
The man all the rioting is for:
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