Man vs. Animal.
Human kind and animals have always been at
odds we see some as a source of food and are deathly afraid of others and the
animals feel the same way. Yet there are times like early last month when man
summons his bravery to protect both himself and all he considers to be valuable,
thus leading to a standoff.
Usually the animal in this case the lion finds
his way out of danger by standing his ground and by his mere presence scaring
the often defenceless human with the threat of becoming the others lunch but
this time the lion’s innate instincts failed him and when he followed his
inborn need to feed led them right into the angry spears of those in the Oloika
area homestead in Kitengela. There the two lions and four cubs met their death
after the humans awoke to find that the kings of the jungle had stealthily strolled
in and consumed their most prized possession: their livestock. It seemed that
this time the big cats 9th life was spent and that they had crossed
a line in the sand.
the population continues to grow and living space becomes scarce man found
themselves moving closer to their fears and the wild and although there is a
fence between man and animal the animal can and do wander out in search of
food. Where man sets a trap the animal wise as always skips over and moves on.
The lions- who have live in the area that
is the Nairobi National Park for decades-cannot be expected to pack up and move
elsewhere as they have used this route
in and out of the park during migration are finding themselves and the space
they consider their own increasingly invaded by the two legged creature.
In watching this story on TV and in
newspapers I felt for both sides, both were trying to do the same thing
protect/feed themselves and those around them. Man cannot be blamed for his
instinctual actions and nor can the lion be blamed for doing only what comes
naturally as it is we who have encroached on this powerful creatures hunting
ground and home. I do blame the KWS however for not taking stronger precautions
of ensuring without any doubt whatsoever that the lions can’t squeeze out of
the fence or that there are gaps in it, there must be an opening through which
the lions can leave to migrate but does it have to be so close to the humans?
Also the wildlife service did not respond to mans call with the alacrity that
they should have...
The fact remains though that 6 lions are
dead-a large part of what attracts tourists to the country is the big 5 and if
the lions continue to die because of their instinct we will soon have precious
little to boast to the world about. Lions are not mans only victims as an
elephant was more recently poached for his beautiful ivory tasks which humans
illegally sells to make a profit.
Man and wild animals will forever be at
odds and on those fateful days when animals and humans come to a standoff the animal
no matter how large and mighty or frightful will always lose out, for the
safety and protection of both man and beast and the survival of our biggest
cash cow, we the humans must find a way to keep them far away from our
instinctual spears but we cannot stop the express train that is modernisation
we may see ourselves and our wild counterparts forever fighting a losing
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