A thorn In The Side.

A source of continual irritation or suffering. That is what the Justice, Cohesion and constitutional affairs minister Mutula Kilonzo has seemed to become in the days and weeks since   Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto  were pronounced as having to stand trial by the ICC in the Hague. The minister was incensed by the two’s  fighting remarks in the face of Chapter 6 of the constitution- which deals with  the integrity of public officials stating that they must, among other issues, act in a manner that brings honour to the nation and dignity and promote public confidence in the integrity of the offices they are holding- saying that it will not halt their presidential ambitions.

But Kilonzo refuses to back down even as some in his party called for his dismissal from the powerful Justice ministry for embarrassing them with his contradictory remarks and ruffling feathers from within his Wiper Democratic Movement (formally ODM K) after disagreeing with the Party Director Presidential aspirant and Deputy PM Kalonzo Musyoka over the Secretary Generals remarks on whether the two suspects should be free to vie for the Presidency in this year’s General Election.

I have to give credit where it is due and Mr. Kilonzo deserves some credit for sticking by his convictions and for defending the constitution, insisting that the document that was signed and enacted in 2010 should be followed to the letter. Saying of Kenyatta and Ruto that "It is unfortunate they appear to say that Chapter Six of the Constitution has no meaning and also ridiculous that they appear to say that the Public Officer Ethics Act has no meaning."

Further Calling for Ruto to “ Show respect for the people by saying, since I’m accused of crimes against you , let me go home to facilitate you and continue when I clean up my act since I am very ambitious and I love you I will come and contest the seat for president.”

I do not think I would be remiss in saying that we could do with a few more of this kind in positions of power who seen ready and willing to affect positive change.


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