It's happening to someone else...

So I've been away for quite a while... a vacation and or break of sorts. I am taking on a new perspective and may come across as more of an idiot than before, but if the title fits... and I am wearing it with cautious pride, feel free to correct me at any time!
Phew! Now that that disclaimer is over with I can begin...

Our brothers and sisters in Egypt are fighting for their rights and are demanding among other things that their iron fisted president for the last three decades finally step down from his throne like seat of power and give way to new and hopefully better governance. Only four or so other leaders have ruled for three decades or more , and two are african... doese anyone see a trend developing here?

As I sat in the cool living room and stared disbelieving at the rather large flat screen tv in front of me at flashing images of the embitered Egyptians, the injured and the sobbing I recalled our own struggle and protest after the 2007 general elections and then, as it is now in that northern point of our beloved continent the similarities - looting, police brutallity and the use of live ammunition, not to mention the curfew-rattled of in my brain.
One of the other cheif similarities is the international community's concern and hope that we, and now they will come to a resolution before more blood is shed.

And as I sank down into the comfortable chocolate brown cushions i realised once more that as much as we'd like to think we're all different we're really not.

There are things however that differ in the upheaval within our two african nations- although both riots began with a disputed election result those in east africa could not and did not go on to appoint a new VP and PM as was Hosni Mubarak's astounding reaction to loud calls for his own resignation not only within the borders of his own nation but worldwide.

On Saturday night Hosni Mubarak decided to appoint his former head of intelligence Omar Soleiman to Vice President and I for one was left wondering why now after rulling for 30 years without one?
His choice for PM was former Airforce chief Ahmad Shafique but he is yet to name a cabinet to replace the one that he fired in an unsuccessful attempt to quell the flaring tempers of his people.

Mr. Mubarak must see - by now- that you can not serve an angry and greatly disatisfied people with the crumbs of a reshuffle.


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