A heaped plate... of dissapointment.

The Weekend ended on a low for me and all other football fans that dared support the Netherlands when they went up against the Matadors of Spain. I will try to limit my ranting about the horrid refereeing not only in the last match but throughout the tournament! A good thing to come out of the human error mess is that it forced Sepp Blatter and FIFA to reopen the case on goal line technology; hopefully we will not have to sit through any more agonizingly bad calls that mar the beauty of the game.
At this juncture a standing ovation must go to S.A for organizing a great tourney!
Back to Kenya and the failings of our system...
Those who were responsible for Uhuru Park grenade incident are yet to be brought to book, this even after the military joined the search for the culprits. But they are hard at work and a report of their finding will be delivered ASAP.

But by far the thing that has irked me the most is that our MP's are intent on increasing their salaries and perks exponentially and this is wrong on so many different levels. Given that there are still IDP's out in the cold and very hard working but severly under paid teachers and civil servants not to mention the stuggling farmers and all those Kenyans who live on 50 pounds a day! MP's then should not be surprised if and when the country is ground to a halt by some very bitter mwanainchi.
My advice to MP's would be that they take a modest pay and perk cut and use that money to make the lives of the Kenyan people easier and happier, if for nothing else for the fact that it would win them points and approval come 2012...

Last but definatly not least Mr Chirau Ali Mwakwere pulled off the chameleon act by becoming a political comeback kid on Monday. The Matuga by- election slid his way as those in the coast stayed true to their allegiance to the crooning former Transport Minister. His closest rival was left 6000 votes adrift and now those in ODM say that they failed to capture the Matuga seat due to vote buying by PNU, an allegation dismissed by Mr Mwakweres party.

ODM's point man in the region, Kisauni MP Ali Hassan Joho, claimed that PNU "engaged in massive voter buying".

"That place was like a market place. Money was being dished out everywhere with our opponents giving out at least Sh2000 per vote. We simply could not match them," Joho told the Star yesterday.
The eventual loser ODM's Hassan Mwanyoha who filed the petition that led to the by - election blamed the IIEC (Interim Independent Electoral Commission) for ignoring malpractices including vote buying and intimidation.
I blame the IIEC for not being strict and following the set guidelines against election malpractices. We shall fight back in future," said Mwanyoha.

Meanwhile ministers on both sides of the constitution are still hard at work criss crossing the country in a sprint to garner votes for the fast approaching August 4 referendum vote.


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