The middle man...

This week the VP was up to his old tricks again, doing his now infamous jig this time the party trick was on show to those in the yes and no factions of the referendum and although the guests were not mesmerised by his skills they seemed to indulge him as he fiddled between the camps somewhat restless and anxious.

It all began with his support of the referendum last week when Kalonzo said in Kingungi as he escorted President Kibaki to Nakuru that there was still room for negotiations. Later that day he changed his stand after the President insisted that the draft would go to the referendum without amendments. He then agreed to amend and extend the time of the draft a proposition put forward by Higher education Minister William Ruto. But all was still not well for the man from Mwingi as he changed his mind once more and seconding the resolution not to amend the draft headed off to Muranga to sing the documents praises.

It seems though that no one told the VP to be weary of the powers of the church when on Sunday he once again was lulled by the choirs soothing voices and told the congregation to ‘speak church, church speak, this is the time for you’ but he fell short of endorsing the ‘no’ campaign at Uhuru Park, which takes place this weekend.
When asked about his indecision Kalonzo said ‘I have never been a fence sitter’ he added that ‘In 2005 I said a very big no, now I’m saying a very big yes’.

Kalonzo is indeed an enigma, he is the same who while vying for the presidency in 2007 jubilantly declaired that he would squeeze between Kibaki and Raila and win the race.
Although this is not a race and he is not caught between the two principles the man from Mwingi is still very much the man in the middle.


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