Errors as usual...

ERROR: Mistake, Something not done correctly OR to be wrong in conduct or judgment.

This week the weather was atrocious and it gave us something to moan about other than politics and just when we thought that would be the only bothersome topic we were all forced to re think, sit up and take notice of the ‘storm in a teacup’ that brewed all too suddenly, as once forgotten errors came back to haunt the government and most especially the AG.
As the proposed constitution hit the AG’s desk for editing, he promised only to add full stops, commas and to correct any grammatical errors, and all seemed well, that is until the 47 page document left his desk and went into Gitonga Rukwaro’s hands for publishing. The document was then released to the public as a pull out in their daily papers.
All was well and civic education was soon to begin – someone once said that when things are too good to be true then it probably is – but were to be awoken form the lull by the ghost of errors past come back to haunt us.
It all began when Mr. Wako called a press conference to say that someone had gone behind his back and added the words National Security to clause 24(1) (d)refers to the "need that the enjoyment of rights and fundamental freedoms by any individual does not prejudice the rights and fundamental freedoms of others". The insertion of these words would have allowed all fundamental rights to be curtailed at any time on grounds of national security and thus reversed the hard fought battle for a new constitution that is fair for all.

As is to be expected with the politics and politicians of this county, fingers were pointed in every direction and opportunities were ceased. Those in both the yes and no camps of the constitution continue to use the opportunity to sling mud at each other with the No camp led by William Ruto stating that ‘the review process is damaged beyond repair’ and that this is a ‘conspiracy, fraud against Kenyans’. The Yes camp meanwhile blamed the whole thing on those daring to say No asking ‘how did they run so quickly, did they know something?’

As with any other error witnessed in the country someone or something else was blamed for the mistake; in this case it was the Government Printer and the NSIS who apparently asked the AG to amend another article in the draft. "Yes, the NSIS had asked me and not just me, even the Parliamentary Select Committee to amend article 25, but we discussed it and found that it was beyond the editorial mandate that I had," Wako said.
Apparently the NSIS wanted to add a provision that would explicitly barred members of intelligence outfits from joining unions.
Asked by a journalist whether he thought NSIS was behind the controversial amendment of section 24(1)(d), Wako replied, "Your guess is as good as mine".
No attempt was made to alter section 24(d) at the Government Printer.

And as is the norm with these messy situations someone must clean them up, and as usual with any sweeping job the Government Spokesman is the man with broom in hand and yet again he did not disappoint. In his cool as a cucumber style Mr. Mutua spun so well he made me slightly dazed:
“20,000 copies were printed and out of those only 1,000 had errors.’’ It does not end there though as he goes on to say that “Some are human errors and others are manufactured, and these were manufactured” He continued to say that “because there are one or two errors that doesn’t mean there is a breakdown in the system.”

The Committee of experts, as the drafters of the constitution had to have their voices heard over the clamour that was caused by the storm and they stated that ‘there were a few copies of a strange document that were produced but we do not recognise it’ They also stated that as the CoE they “cannot suffer and allow any changes to the document’
As a result the CoE will produce 5 million copies of the correct document and the president has pledged to put up for an additional 5 million copies.
The storm around Amos Wako will not die down any time soon especially as investigations have been launched into the mishap,a team of detectives from the Serious Crimes Unit and Cyber Crime Unit has been set up to investigate how illegal changes were sneaked into the proposed constitution.

Information Courtesy of: , Daily Nation and The Srandard Newspaper


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